Camping Like An Icon
The Project
To create a set of 12 icons that target a specific audience. This was to be done using the principles of design as well as creativity to make a unique set. The audience was 18-24 year old female college students who enjoy spending time camping in the outdoors.

The Sketching Process
In order to truly develop my idea, I had to spend quite some time in the sketching process as shown above. There were many times where I had to sketch the icon over 15 times before I liked the shape at all.

I experienced a lot of struggles throughout the creation of these icons. In particular was creating the perfect fire icon. I spent twice the amount of time in the sketching process for this icon. I went through many different shapes and sizes.

I almost gave up. I almost removed this icon from the set completely. After some time and serious dedication, I finally was able to create the shape that I liked. It took lots of effort and determination, but I am happy to say that I am proud of the final product.

With those failures came many successes. I was able to really push myself and create a set of designs that flowed and worked well with one another. I spent hours making sure each detail was precise and to my liking. Here I am showing that even though I was happy with the original product, I found a way to make it better. These small and simple changes really made me more content with the design.

The Result
This resulted in a project I am truly proud of, and I know the audience would be too.