Tough Enough To Wear Pink
The Project
To make a set of stickers that were creative as well as fun! The audience for this project was 14-20 year old girls who enjoy trending things. I decided that I wanted these stickers to have the theme of trending country in order to target this audience.

The Sketching Process

I landed on doing these three designs in order to really get in touch with the audience. Although I liked them, I felt as though they still needed adjustments. In particular, I needed to change the design on the boot. I then spent time sketching until I got the results that I wanted.

The Successes
I was able to experience some real successes in this project. I had a great experience making these two stickers. I was able to work with the shape builder tool to create designs I really liked.

The Failures
I had some pretty big failures in this project. The first was not being able to figure out how to best make this design. I tried five times before I replaced it with something I enjoyed more. The second failure was the crashing of my adobe and loosing all of my work. I had really liked my designs but because of this crash I had to start from scratch. Since I was limited on time, I did not have the chance to nail the above design and had to replace it with something more simple.

The Result
I was able to produce some really solid designs that I think will reach the target audience really well.